Organized Stalking On 071724

I woke up on Wednesday 07/17/24 feeling very well. In the back of my mind, I had cleared all the hurdles I needed to clear to settle into the NY state housing facility (name withheld, in keeping with our anti-doxxing policy) I had been assigned to. Remember, as I stated in my previous post, I moved to NYC from Houston in January 2024.

Rent is astronomically higher in NYC as compared to Houston Texas, so you don’t expect some TI, already financially sabotaged in Houston, to all of a sudden, afford some decent housing in NYC, right? Right, so relax, I had to seek help from NY state re housing.😂 And if it will make you feel any better, I’ve never sought/received state housing assistance before moving to NYC.

Anyway, back to the story. I was feeling very well on this particular day, and was looking forward to the next chapter–enrolling my kids into NY schools, and finally getting back on the job by taking advantage of the after school childcare programs.

Such programs are usually not available in the Summer so it’s hard for me to work–can’t maintain a work schedule, and the shelter staff is NOT trying to help🙄😂. So I’m basically resigned to working proper after the Fall semester begins–and will most likely be dirt broke by then–per “the program plan.”🙄

I dropped my 13 year old at Summer Camp downstairs and left my 16 year old at home (facility rules allow that). I left the residence at about 10 am and stopped by the nearby gas station to use the ATM machine and grab some coffee. After that I took a seat at an empty bench in the park adjacent to the store. I was having a moment of serenity, which almost never happens for a targeted individual (TI), thanks to the constant gangstalking🙄😂.

As you might have expected, the serenity was short-lived, as this suspicious character all of a sudden showed up–a young Hispanic dude. He came and stood quite close to where I was seated, and started looking at his phone in a manner suggesting that he was looking for me/trying to locate me. He was raising his face to look at me, and then looking back at his phone–cointelpro stuff🙄. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and ignored him–went back to my favorite pass time–fooling around on Twitter/X.😂

So the guy walked away and about five minutes later, he came back, only this time, he sat right next to where I was seated, like really close, even though there were many other open seats to pick from at the park🙄. At this point, all my TI radar systems were going off. It was crystal clear at that point that dude was on a cointelpro harassment mission. And just so you know, usually when this happens, there’s some Deep State guy at the park putting him up to this, while he watches. That’s usually how it works, unfortunately.

So with my serenity/peace broken by the cointelpro dude, I gathered my stuff and moved to a nearby bench–a scarcely populated one of course😂. I was visibly upset when I moved to the other bench, which was a rookie mistake on my part because that is what the gangstalking program feeds on. Once they KNOW that you are upset/rattled, word goes out to the “network” and they double down/pile on. Remember the objective is usually to cause the targeted individual to snap and react violently or otherwise break the law–entrapment. As an experienced, targeted individual, I should have known better and masked my disappointment/ anger at the annoying park cointelpro dude.🤔

Anyway, my plan that day was to go put an application at FJC Security company, which provides security at the housing facility we currently live in. They hire just about anybody–I probably shouldn’t say that, but you get the drift😂. The FJC story is a whole different chapter unto itself, though😂. Can you believe that in the one month I have been at this housing facility, I’ve asked several of the FJC employees at the facility where I need to go to fill out an application but get this, NONE OF THEM knows where the office is, or the website to apply😳. How weird is that? Or are they not real FJC employees? TI stuff for real here, folks😂.

So I basically just Google search and guess which FJC office to visit on any particular day. Nothing has worked so far, and the listed phone numbers go unanswered🙄. Anyway, the plan for 071724 was to visit the FJC at 1680 Lexington Avenue in Manhattan.

So I got my route plan ready and headed for the F train at 179 Jamaica St. The subway route is F train to Lexington & 63rd, then walk up to 59th street to take the #6 to 103rd street. 1680 Lexington is like two blocks from there–straight shot.

So I got on the F train and took a seat. A few moments later, boom, this military camo guy pops up right in front of me. Here’s the dude on the F train on 07/17 on my way to the mysterious FJC offices–more secret than the CIA itself😂

Impossible to ignore/miss him😂. In the video, (private due to our strict anti-doxxing policies), you can see that the train is practically empty at that point, so dude has many seating options but makes sure to sit right in front of me, where I can’t miss him🤔).

Remember, in my previous writings, either on this blog or on Twitter/X, I’ve always postulated that the TI program is essentially run by the military(and their subcontractors of course). So the gangstalking folks know that you are sensitized to military paraphernalia (clothes, license plates, insignia etc). That is why camo dude came and sat right in front of me where I can’t miss/ignore him.

This happens a lot, by the way, especially on the subway rides–classic organized stalking. This is just one classic example on 07/03/24–on my way to PATH to fill out a new application after we got denied housing the night before. Camo dude knows I’m upset that day for having been denied housing the night before, and even though train is empty, makes sure to sit right in front of me. Get it now?🤔

The video (private of course) shows clearly that he had many other sitting options

I usually do a pan view on the videos when the cointelpro stuff is going on to catch the “innocent bystanders”🙄–usually the ones running the operation. Im not going to make any accusations here, but the two white guys on the end have Deep State written all over them😂🤷‍♀️. Are they legit F train passengers? We report, you decide. This time I used my experienced TI skills and just kept calm, with my eyes fixed on my Twitter/X– except for the little recording phase of course😂.

I got off the train at Lexington & 63rd and as I hit the escalator, boom, look who rushed right in front of a TI. No way you can miss that even if you tried😂 Out of control organized stalking. You’re probably going, “You really shouldn’t be complaining about that view. You know you were low-key enjoying it.”😂

In a previous post, I wrote about how the group/gang stalking has a functional purpose over and above the harass ment, especially when it comes to vehicular stalking. Well, that’s the same with when the TI is walking on the street. They have a group of people follow the TI–literally gangstalkers😂–with the sensitization agent in the mix–in this case the camo lady who pulls up in front of me at the escalator, in a manner that I can’t miss her. It’s not a coincidence, even though it may appear so to the general public. Same thing with cars.

As expected, nothing came out of my visit to the FJC office in Manhattan. The FJC Security receptionist I met at the building told me the company is no longer there and then interestingly, that she DIDN’T know where I could go apply. What the hell is going on with super secret FJC? People work there but have zero clue as to where to put an application? Never seen that before😂

So I turned around to go back home. I got home at about 3 pm to pick my daughter from Summer Camp. A little after I picked her and settled in, boom, this email from Kingsborough Community College(KCC) urging me to apply for the Spring semester because I had failed to submit 3 things–the $70 application fee, official transcripts from Lee College in Baytown, TX and transcripts from my high school. I have records showing that I paid the $70 application fee way back in April and submitted transcripts from Lee College. The only thing I’m missing is the high school transcript. My records at KCC however, don’t show ANY😳of the submitted records. How weird is that? Where did the payment and the transcript go? Shadow government?😂It’s also very hard to get someone from KCC admissions on the phone to discuss this issue. I sent emails to admission office recently but zero response on the payment or receipt of the Lee College transcripts. Folks, this TI is NOT wanted at Kingsborough Community College for real😂, and now they are asking me to apply for Spring 2025–pay another $70 that may ALSO disappear without a trace–daylight robbery of TIs🤦‍♀️. I wrote about KCC Gate in an earlier post.

This email from CUNY doesn’t exactly jive with the organized stalking theme of this post but I use it to elaborate on the piling-on aspect of the targeting program. It has been my experience that on days like 07/17, when their cointelpro operations are evident, other seemingly unrelated “bad things” happen too, almost in a coordinated fashion–added “soft blows” if you will, because in their minds, you are in a vulnerable state of mind–about to snap from the stress🙄.

Oh, and by the way, while at PATH waiting to be served (very long wait), student loan servicer Nelnet also shoots me an email saying I’m past due on my payment. An admission at KCC would cure all that–you don’t have to pay student loan debt while enrolled. Hmm, that throws some fresh questions into the motive behind KCC Gate🤔

***07/17 Nelnet email to be added later***

This is also why I found the late night denial of my housing application quite interesting. The letter is dated 07/17 so the decision was made during business hours–probably when all the other cointelpro stuff was going on😂. Also interestingly, it was hand delivered to me after 9 pm, even though I had been in my room since 3 pm. Turns out one must appeal the decision the same day they received the denial notice and before 9 pm. Was the post-9pm notice a coincidence? We report, you decide. In the first denial, they left the notice with my 16 year old son RIGHT AFTER I had stepped out of the building, and never told him to tell me that I had to appeal before 9 pm that night. I found that out on my visit to PATH the following morning. Now on 07/17/24 they deliver the notice to me, but after 9 pm🙄. The same intake lady that was involved in the previous notice incident is also neck-deep involved in the latest post-9 pm notice🙄😂. Hey, we report, you decide.🤷‍♀️

Here’s a closing note re organized stalking for those still new to the concept. It’s ALL about a play on the targeted individual’s perception. What does that mean? Just because the camo guys & gal pictured above are in military camo gear doesn’t necessarily mean they have anything to do with the military. They are only there because somebody(Deep State guy/gal keenly watching nearby) has put them to it because they know what you are sensitized to. Most TIs fall short and pick fights with these role players who are not their real enemies–fall for the entrapment scheme. It’s very important that readers understand that. These role players are NOT the bad guys. It’s the guy behind the curtain that we are looking for.🤔

3 Replies to “Organized Stalking On 071724”

  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences. A lot of people suffer from this and they will try to paint the victims off as schizo. Just try to unlearn the triggers… You are in control and just need to get to the phase you laugh about these losers… Its important to know what they do has no real purpose or meaning so you are only driving yourself mad… Keep on fighting and waking up others… They clearly want The Light on their faces…:)

    BTW they do a lot of fake profiles on conspiracy websites and pretend its their targets. They believe this is how they can link their victims to conspiracy theories or mental illness of they need to neutralize the victim. They have a mindset based on threats, everything and everyone is a threat to them so they must attack everyone else and keep them down keep them under..

    If you want to study their sick sociopath mindset visit here is where many stalkers play larps and mindgames and even pretend to be their victims (many of who never visit these sites)

    You will be able to study their tactics in their hangout forums…

    Be strong , keep it up…

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