Back To School 090324

On Wednesday 082824, I deliberately skipped work so I could tend to back to school duties for my son and daughter. The plan was to take care of my daughter’s registration(Middle School), and then squeeze in my son’s registration that afternoon.

I figured because I had letters for both of them from the housing facility, their registration would be super fast–NY apparently has a law that streamlines school registration for kids that are in temporary housing–good on you NY state 👍They even give the kids free uniforms and supplies–more good on you NY state👍

So my daughter’s registration went pretty well–except for a few questions about required vaccines, which I knew she had, but didn’t want to argue with the hardworking staff. Long story short, she is set to begin school Thursday 09/05.

Her school gave me an address to a “Welcome Center” where I was supposed to go and register my 17 year old for high school. I got there at around 2pm and next thing I know, the security staff tells me they are “no longer there”. He gave me an address to a nearby high school that was handling registrations. I figured I would just go there and take care of the registration, even though it was a super hot day🤦‍♀️

I made it to the high school and luckily they were still doing registrations. Even more importantly, there were very few people there, so perfect!!👍However instead of just registering my son, the lady set me up for a 09/03/24 appointment at 3pm. I felt like she could have registered my son that day but she kinda had an attitude so I decided to play along–a gentleman and a scholar😂🤷‍♀️

So Tuesday 09/03 comes around and as I hit the subway towards the high school, look who pops up RIGHT IN FRONT of me in an EMPTY subway car–you can’t miss seeing him.😂🙄You already know what time it is. Look at the hat🙄

So I did what I always do–observe my surroundings for any “person of interest”. The chick on my right seemed to be very amused by the “goings on” so I made sure to capture her on the clip(Asian/Indian). She seemed to fit the “commanding officer” profile😂 Dude with a camo hat was just a role player–amateur TIs always fall for that.

Anyway, I had only one stop (luckily), so no big deal. I got to the school at about 2:30 pm, thinking I’m super early for my appointment, and I’d be in and out of this place given my experience from last time(08/28). I walk into the registration hall, and it’s a flea market–super long line😂🤦‍♀️. For some reason, the entire NYC came to register on the afternoon of 09/03😂 And just so you know, as a targeted individual, standing in a long line for an extended period of time, comes with its own “unique hazards”😂, but we’re not going to go into all that.

Anyway, after standing in the long line for a long time, past my 3pm appointment, and coming super close to the registration desk, this lady comes and starts asking people who came with an appointment, and who just walked in–you know, the kind of triaging that should have been happening BEFORE we even lined up?🙄🤦‍♀️Long story short, I should NOT have been standing for that LONG in that LONG line.🙄Plus she made it sound like I had missed my 3 pm appointment because it was way past 3 pm. Lord have mercy.

Anyway, she went and got this dude(Black) who took me to the registration table where I was supposed to be. The Black dude ended up doing the registration, which took less than 10 minutes🙄.***Per the registering dude, my son was assigned a high school, but because he didn’t have the required transcripts from his Houston high school, he could not be enrolled in 11th grade as he was supposed to, until we provided documents from his Houston high school. They registered him, but they kicked him back grade wise***We’ll come back to this registration issue later because something very interesting happened.***

Anyway, I left the registration place very tired(ain’t no telling what Deep State does in these long lines😂)and headed back to the housing facility. Remember, it was also a very hot day. With my son officially assigned a school, there were some metro cards(for his train rides) that I was supposed to pick up at the housing facility. That also turned out to be a “very interesting” experience😂, but I prefer not to write about housing facility incidents until such a time as I secure housing(get a voucher), which by all accounts, is very soon.

***So let’s go back to the registration incident. As I stated earlier, after standing on that unnecessary long line for what appeared to be forever😂, this young Hispanic girl came and pulled me from the line, and sent me with the Black dude who did the registration. Shortly after I sat at the registration table, a Spanish-speaking parent came and sat at the adjacent table, but there was no available staff to take care of him at that time. So the Black dude who was handling my registration, struck a conversation with other parent in Spanish. I always find it impressive when an African American speaks fluent Spanish, and yeah, I almost always inquire into it. Hey, it is what it is, deal with it😂.

So I complimented the Black registration dude for his Spanish-speaking skills and asked where he learned to speak that fluently. When he said he was from Panama, all the TI alarm bells went off🚨🚨🚨. You know exactly which agency this TIs head immediately went to, if you’ve read your history books.😂

So all of a sudden all of that unnecessary waiting in a super long line quit being an “innocent mistake”–all the 🚨🚨🚨were going off full blast at this juncture.😂

And then check this out–look what Panamanian registrar did. He registered my son for NINTH GRADE😳. Remember, my son is supposed to be in 11th grade. Even if the argument was that my son had to be kicked back due to the missing documents from Houston, you would put him in 10th grade and wait for documents to show that he’s supposed to be in 11th grade. That’s what any reasonable person would do but nope, Panamanian registrar kicked my 17 year old all the way back to 9th grade. Very strange indeed.🤦‍♀️

Any reasonable reading of this NY law would leave somebody with the impression that if a parent in temporary housing came to register their kid in 11th grade, you would register the kid in 11th grade, and wait for the documents from his former school proving that he was supposed to be in 11th grade. Lack of documents would of course warrant knocking them down one grade.🤷‍♀️In this case we went from 11th grade to 9th grade. Super weird. Was this just another case of a targeted individual getting deliberately jerked around? Hey, we report, you decide.🤷‍♀️ Remember, there are A LOT of OTHER “soft blows” that have taken place during what was supposed to be a joyous back to school week, notably, ZERO hours from my job.😳 Yeah, I didn’t stutter, ZERO hours. How weird is that? Lord have mercy. End the criminal TI program, folks!!

Anyway, long story short, when I got home and broke the news to my son about the 9th grade scenario, I quickly dropped out of his fave list. He basically told me without saying it, “Take your 9th grade bs and shove it.”😂 He said he will not attend that school until the documents from Houston arrived. The next day, I was supposed to take him with me to the new school to finish registration –get his uniforms, metro cards etc– but he refused to go, so I went by myself. When I showed up at his new school(name withheld due to our strict anti-doxxing policies), something interesting happened with the officials at his new school. The lady(very nice) and some dudes, all agreed that there was something weird about an 11th grader being kicked back to ninth grade UNLESS he’d missed a whole year of school. So my son had every right to be upset, and more importantly, Panamanian registrar’s actions MIGHT have flagrantly violated our rights under the NY law that deals with school registrations that deal with kids in temporary housing.😳

So you guessed it, we’ll play along, but at the appointed time, we’ll definitely take up this flagrant violation with the NY DOE. Hey, yours truly may just score a major payday from the Panamanian registrar’s chicanery.😳😂 Also coincidentally, or not, my roommate from the single men facility was ALSO Panamanian. A lot of chicanery happened with him in that room😂. Remember what TIs say about foreigners being used to…🤔. We’ll save those details (Panamanian roommate)until after we secure housing/get a voucher–any day now.

Anyway, stay tuned. Like with “KCC-gate”, we’ll keep you posted on the latest developments re “registration-gate”, and yeah, with the “ZERO hours job-gate”. All I can say is, pray for TIs, folks. 🙏🙏Deep State is on to some 🥶 blooded stuff, for real!!😂

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