Targeted Individuals And Financial Sabotage

As I’ve stated in earlier posts, I moved to NYC from Houston in January 2024. Because of the very high housing rent prices in NYC, I had to seek housing assistance. When I initially arrived in NYC I was by myself(kids with my brother in Houston). They had just began the Spring semester so I didn’t want to yank them out of school. I figured it would be better to bring them during the Summer break

Anyway, I got assigned to a housing facility in Brooklyn which caters for single men. The good thing about this housing facility is that they had an in-house work program where residents could earn money for as much as nine months to a year, tax free(no uncle sam deductions😳).

The only thing they took out of your weekly paycheck was about $160 which, from my understanding, went to your room & board, and some other $30-$40 which they saved for you. The $30-40 dollar saving was available to the resident upon completion of the program, or if they decided to leave the facility for any reason.

I brought my kids from Houston in mid June, which meant I could no longer stay at the single men facility in Brooklyn. They had to move me to a family facility. One week prior to my kid’s arrival, I had a sit-down with the program Director at the Brooklyn facility and my assigned case worker, where I explained to them that I could no longer stay there because I had my kids coming. The program Director, told my case worker, right in front of me, to make sure that my savings $$ would be available for me the following week when I was about to leave the facility.

***So I call Monday morning 07/22 and the cashier lady(Ms Joyce) tells me that “it looks like it hasn’t been sent out yet” and that she will send an email follow up to see what the hold up is. I went there Monday the previous week, signed some form, and was told to expect payment by the end of the week(last week). Now it’s Monday of a new week, and the money hasn’t even been sent. Remember, this is MY EARNED MONEY, not some benefit I’m requesting from the state, and yet I have to chase people around for it. To you, that’s normal stuff but take it from this experienced TI, it is absolutely not. Just another “soft blow” organized crimes perpetrated against targeted individuals. At this point, I might as well write off this money because it may be weeks, even months, before I get it 🤦‍♀️MY MONEY, for which I gave advance notice prior to leaving😳!!***There should be ZERO reason for this cat & mouse game more than A MONTH after the fact***Stay tuned, folks. We report, you decide***

Interesting Monday 07/15. Finally went to Gates to inquire about my check(savings). Told that the reason they didn’t pay was coz I had to sign some form which I did today. She apparently has been calling my 832 phone to have me come and sign the document🙄. No such thing happenedAnyway took care of that, basically in and out and came back to QueensUpon arrival, dude plus FL vehicle drop off(pic). WeirdAt checkin, our ladyHmm, stay tuned for details