Cooking On The Subway 081624

Friday 08/16/24 I was off work, and headed to pick my check from the staffing company I had been working for since my daughter left for camp(name withheld for now due to our strict anti-doxxing policy). She’s due back Tuesday 08/20/24.

I got on the F-train toward Manhattan at about 11 am. It was kind of a hot day, so I was glad to get inside the train(nice AC). It felt very good at first, but then I started getting too hot, which I found weird. Why would I all of a sudden, just start getting hot in an air-conditioned subway car?

When the heat failed to dissipate, I got off my seat and stood on the train, on the opposite row to where I was originally seated, and did what I do best–observe my surroundings for any weirdness.😂

That’s when something very interesting caught my eye regarding the people I had been sitting next to. Something was just off–the good old TI radar🚨was going off all over the place.😂

When I looked at the guy who was directly to my left(big Black dude) with some camo bag,🙄he looked quite suspicious. He gave me the look you’d get from your child after catching them doing something bad. There was also another guy(Hispanic) two seats to his left. He also looked at me the same way (guilty) when I looked at him from my standing position. He too was in military camo🙄and had some type of bag next to him. Hmm, Medusa making me hot?

But anyway, the interesting part came when the big black guy, seemingly unable to control his guilt as I was standing right in front of him, leaned forward and looked all the way down the line to the guy seating on the same row, but at the very end of the coach(an African guy, from my observation). It was like he was wondering what to do next, and was seeking direction from the African. Bad cointelpro training.😂🤦‍♀️

So figuring the African dude was the “ringleader”, I moved towards him and stood directly opposite to where he was seated. Importantly, I made sure to look him right in the eye to read where his mind was, just like you would do with your errant child😂. Boy, the African looked MORE guilty than the two previous dudes.😂 He got so uncomfortable and hurriedly got off at the next stop. I’m pretty sure that was not his intended destination. He just felt busted and took off.😳

Also, when this kind of stuff goes down, I often take a wide view (pan) video of the surroundings because it has been my experience that the guy/gal running the show is often seated close to the action watching everything. There was this young guy(NYC Ferry tshirt) and an Asian couple(Indian) to his right, so you do with that as you please. Not sure whether they were part of the op but you never know.

So why is this little incident important to the whole targeted individuals-directed energy weapons debate? Many TIs have complained about being attacked by foreigners, with some even saying that illegals are contracted (by CIA) to do the “dirty work”. The strange reaction from the African dude would surely support that theory, which I personally believe has some merit, from my experiences.

Also, importantly, I have always advanced the theory that the attacks, from a Medusa-type device, are linear in nature. In other words, the attackers sit in a straight line with the victim and attack in a linear fashion. All the suspects, the African at the very end, and the two dudes were seated in a straight line with me. Were they the ones making me that hot using whatever “classified device” they had in their bags or on their persons? They certainly didn’t appear to be Russian.😂Hmm, we report, you decide🤷‍♀️

Also remember, it’s the same phenomenon with vehicular attacks, where the cars line up behind the target. A lot of TIs assume it is just stalking for stalking sake, but I’ve always believed the lining up behind the target, especially on non-busy streets, has MORE to do with the linear attacks than the actual stalking aspect. Remember in Houston, where I’m from, you need a car to move around, so the linear vehicular attacks were the modus operandi. In NYC you don’t need a car, so they’ve improvised the attacks to subways. Get it?🤔 They probably don’t even have to be on the same subway coach as the target, to effect the attacks(per 60 Minutes, some of the weapons have a ONE MILE range). 😳 Pray for TIs, folks🙏🙏

Luckily, right next to where I live, there’s a Western Union check cashing place. Look who I ran into on the line🙄I must be a camo magnet at this juncture. And then look who showed up minutes later as I was in line. First of all, A LOT of people came in after I got there(weird), but the camo dude was especially interesting. Remember, it’s a 24 hour joint so there’s no “rushing before they close” business–just the good old store mobbing that TIs are well accustomed to. Folks, they’re running a full blown cointelpro op on this TI for real!!,😂🤦‍♀️

***Very interesting update to the subway saga on Sunday 08/25/26***On Saturday, I received a very rare request from the staffing company about working in the Bronx on Sunday😳. Didn’t know they even worked Sundays plus the pay was very high-almost double what I regularly get so I had to take the job. I was supposed to be at the job site at 7 am. That for me, meant catching the F train and then transferring to the D train towards Bronx.

As I stated earlier, I pretty much stand the entire way on the train to avoid the “heating issues”😂. The F train ride was incident-free but then all hell broke loose on the D train😂. This dude (seemingly homeless) appeared to take issue with the fact that I chose to stand even though there were available seats. His issue was that I was standing “close to him”–a reasonable complaint, so I immediately moved. Didn’t even say anything to him. That’s when the drama started–what we targeted individuals are so used to. Pay attention, so you learn how the targeting program works.🤔

Remember, the guy asked me to move, and I immediately did as he requested, so there should have been no issue to argue about after that, right? Nope. The “homeless and crazy” guy was not satisfied. He wanted more. To you, that would just be a normal incident inside a subway car, but take it from this seasoned TI, when he started carrying on and on, all the TI alarm 🚨 bells went off. This was not just a regular “homeless and crazy” dude mad about some random passenger standing close to him. This was a man on a mission.

So knowing who/what I was dealing with (gangstalker), my seasoned TI instincts kicked in, and I just stood there listening to his “mad man rumblings”. My experience has always been that the crazy people you seemingly always run into at the library and other public spaces, are anything but crazy. When you pay close attention to what they are saying, you quickly find out that they are going off some type of dossier/script.

As I expected, “crazy and homeless”, who I had never met before, KNEW where I was born🚨🚨🚨So that left two other “talking points” they usually hit me with–my supposed sexual orientation from their manual (that I’m gay) and the third one, that I’m some type of devil worshipper–I kid you not😂. I guess that’s what they use to enlist the gangstalkers into gleefully committing crimes against TIs–you know, “we are going after the satanic gays”🙄–the good ol’ slander campaign. Oh, and btw, its usually “devout Christians” doing the gangstalking–imagine that🤦‍♀️. Reasonable people will agree that you just don’t just come up to a stranger and confidently accuse them of stuff without some prior knowledge.🤷‍♀️

But anyway, back to the story. After he got done with where I was born, I started keenly waiting for the other two talking points to drop, and boom, just like clockwork, here came the gay slurs🚨🚨🚨. He went off on a tirade of gay slurs, justifying all my TI alarm bells, which were ringing off the hook at this juncture😂. So I gave him more “rope to hang himself” by allowing him to continue spewing his Deep State talking points with zero pushback. He never went on to the devil worshipper angle but instead stuck with the gay slurs. So I decided to do something I never do, because you know, I’m a gentleman and a scholar😂. This time, I decided to engage, something I never do–I always stay above the fray.

It has been my experience that gangstalkers, when confronted, are usually the biggest cowards. Plus I figured whoever put him up to this, was on the subway car too. So I decided to put on a show on a Sunday morning subway car. As he was exciting himself going on and on with the gay slurs, I interjected and told him I would put my…in his mouth if he didn’t shut up😂. I can’t believe I said that but I did.😂And I didn’t stop there. I then told him if he got out with me at my exit, I would beat him up and take his CIA check. That startled him, he was totally NOT expecting a pushback–especially that I wanted to kick his Deep State ass. He all of a sudden became very normal–not the “mad man” he had been presenting earlier. I then asked him how the hell he knew where I was born without ever talking to me. That also startled him, so he started denying that he ever mentioned where I was from.

Now that I had him scared and on retreat, I decided to step on the gas for his masters, probably watching on the subway car. I told him I don’t even know why the CIA pays him because he was evidently a bad snitch.😂 Telling somebody you haven’t met before where they are from, is a dead giveaway. I then piled on with stuff to let anybody listening know that he was a gangstalker–without saying the actual word of course. I told him to get off with me at my exit so I could kick his ass, take his CIA check and stick my gay …in his mouth . One exit before my exit, he hurriedly got out–literally ran off the train. Typical gangstalking coward.😂

So was this “crazy and homeless” dude incensed because by me riding the subway while standing, ,the “cooking operation”😂couldn’t go on as planned? Think about it. You don’t get that upset, to the point of throwing sexual slurs, simply because some random stranger stood “near you” in a subway car, and moved as soon as you raised the issue.🤔 But hey, we report, you decide,🤷‍♀️

And yeah, of course I partially recorded his clown a$$ while he was going on his rant. I’ll post the video/pic soon. I’m just trying to figure out whether his clown a$$ is even worth our strict anti-doxxing policy. I’m tempted to just put him on blast.😂

Hopefully this gives you an idea of what targeted individuals routinely go through. Remember, I was headed to work. I wasn’t out there engaged in criminal or some other dangerous activity, yet this is what I was treated to. This is the part of the national security story that Congress never gets to hear about, and that is, it is often the “good guys” criming on supposedly dangerous targeted individuals with taxpayer $$. That is super sad, and is the reason the push for a new Church-type committee must proceed. This is NOT keeping America safe but rather, taxpayer funded organized CRIMES against TIs🤷‍♀️

Targeted Individuals And Financial Sabotage

As I’ve stated in earlier posts, I moved to NYC from Houston in January 2024. Because of the very high housing rent prices in NYC, I had to seek housing assistance. When I initially arrived in NYC I was by myself(kids with my brother in Houston). They had just began the Spring semester so I didn’t want to yank them out of school. I figured it would be better to bring them during the Summer break

Anyway, I got assigned to a housing facility in Brooklyn which caters for single men. The good thing about this housing facility is that they had an in-house work program where residents could earn money for as much as nine months to a year, tax free(no uncle sam deductions😳).

The only thing they took out of your weekly paycheck was about $160 which, from my understanding, went to your room & board, and some other $30-$40 which they saved for you. The $30-40 dollar saving was available to the resident upon completion of the program, or if they decided to leave the facility for any reason.

I brought my kids from Houston in mid June, which meant I could no longer stay at the single men facility in Brooklyn. They had to move me to a family facility. One week prior to my kid’s arrival, I had a sit-down with the program Director at the Brooklyn facility and my assigned case worker, where I explained to them that I could no longer stay there because I had my kids coming. The program Director, told my case worker, right in front of me, to make sure that my savings $$ would be available for me the following week when I was about to leave the facility.

***So I call Monday morning 07/22 and the cashier lady(Ms Joyce) tells me that “it looks like it hasn’t been sent out yet” and that she will send an email follow up to see what the hold up is. I went there Monday the previous week, signed some form, and was told to expect payment by the end of the week(last week). Now it’s Monday of a new week, and the money hasn’t even been sent. Remember, this is MY EARNED MONEY, not some benefit I’m requesting from the state, and yet I have to chase people around for it. To you, that’s normal stuff but take it from this experienced TI, it is absolutely not. Just another “soft blow” organized crimes perpetrated against targeted individuals. At this point, I might as well write off this money because it may be weeks, even months, before I get it 🤦‍♀️MY MONEY, for which I gave advance notice prior to leaving😳!!***There should be ZERO reason for this cat & mouse game more than A MONTH after the fact***Stay tuned, folks. We report, you decide***

Interesting Monday 07/15. Finally went to Gates to inquire about my check(savings). Told that the reason they didn’t pay was coz I had to sign some form which I did today. She apparently has been calling my 832 phone to have me come and sign the document🙄. No such thing happenedAnyway took care of that, basically in and out and came back to QueensUpon arrival, dude plus FL vehicle drop off(pic). WeirdAt checkin, our ladyHmm, stay tuned for details