Targeted Individuals And Financial Sabotage II

Financial sabotage is KEY to the targeted individual program, so there will undoubtedly be several posts related to that topic on this blog. Because of that, I will try and curate them so you are not all over the place bouncing around from one financial sabotage post to the next. I’ll try and list them financial sabotage I, II, III etc, just to inject some order here, and make your life easier.🙄

As I’ve stated in my previous posts (too much repetition at this juncture-deal with it😂🙄), I moved to NYC from Houston in January 2024 and ended up in some NY housing facility (a single men facility, whose name and location remains “classified” at this moment😂)

The VERY GOOD thing about this facility is that they have a job program for its residents–minimun wage of course, but zero Uncle Sam deductions, so an all around great program for someone in a housing facility, especially a targeted individual.

The only other major requirement for the work program’s eligibility is that one has to agree to weekly random urine tests. I know, you’re probably going, “That’s it, your weed-head a$$ is disqualified. No need to apply.”😂I’m actually super clean, thank you very much.

Anyway, the job entailed going out in work crews every morning to designated locations, primarily in downtown areas, where you would walk from street block to street block with a broom and bucket, cleaning the streets and emptying full garbage cans–essentially a sanitation/janitor job. So this was super easy money for a super fit individual like myself with an industrial/refinery construction background, where the work can be really physically challenging–climbing scaffolds, hot confined spaces etc.

But of course as a targeted individual, “manufactured obstacles” popped up to keep it from being the cadillac job it was supposed to be–literally a blessing from God. Yup, you ought to know by now that the “other side” is definitely NOT Team God (God will never sanction the MKULTRA chicanery. That one we can all agree on).

But anyway, we will address all these “manufactured obstacles” at the job program in a future post. This post is dedicated to a specific financial sabotage incident from the housing facility in question.

So back to the job program. As I stated earlier, it was minimum wage job, with zero taxes(no uncle sam)–more of a stipend than an actual paycheck. Also importantly, the program deducted roughly $200 weekly, with about $165 going towards room & board, and the other $35 to the resident worker’s in-house savings account. If the resident left the program for any reason, they could cash in on the savings they had accumulated–a very good idea.

I began working at the program sometime in March 2024, after a **mandatory 30-day in-house training–doing sanitation at the residence as opposed to going out in the streets. The reason for the asterisks is that RIGHT BEFORE I arrived there, the in-house training was two weeks. It literally changed the Monday morning that I arrived there.😳You do with that what you may, we just report, you decide.🤷‍♀️

When I came to NYC I was by myself(kids with my brother enrolled for the Spring 2024 semester). I didn’t want to disrupt their school, so the plan was to make as much as I could at the program, and bring them over during the Summer when school was out. This would also give me time to register them into NYC schools for the Fall semester. I know, I’m smart like that.🤷‍♀️

After their Spring semester ended, I booked them on a Southwest Airlines flight for Monday 06/17/24. A week prior to their arrival, I had a sit down with the program director at the housing facility, and my designated case worker and explained to them that I had to leave the facility/program the coming week because with the kids, I had to move to a facility that caters for families as opposed to single men. Because I would no longer be a resident there, I was no longer eligible for the work program. I know, this makes zero sense, but it is what it is, I’m just giving you the rules.

So the program director commended me for making the respectable decision and instructed my case worker, right in front of me, to make sure that when it came time for me to leave the following week, I left with my savings$$$. Very important that you remember that, because this is at the crux of this story–a targeted individual did the right thing and gave advance notice, and the program director said it in front of me, that I SHOULD have my $$ when it came time for me to leave. There was no mystery or complications about the arrangement–pretty straight forward.

So on Monday, 06/17/24, at about 3 pm , with my kids set to arrive at LaGuardia Airport, I had a final meeting with my case worker before leaving the facility. Surprise surprise, she had done ZERO regarding my savings account $$🙄. I would like to say I was surprised but I really wasn’t–typical targeted individual experience. Interestingly, when I went for this last meeting, the lady whose job it was to make sure I had my money on my way out, was also there with my case worker when I came in🙄. When I asked about my money, she appeared genuinely surprised, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt because she had not been privy to my meeting with the director and case worker the previous week. My guess was that she knew exactly what was going on but hey, we report you decide.🤷‍♀️

What the lady, super young and who we’ll just call here, the “Cashier Lady” (anti-doxxing rules apply😂) told me was that I should come back to the facility the following Monday, after settling in at the family facility, so we can deal with the saving account situation. I was kind of in a hurry to head to LaGuardia, plus I wasn’t exactly broke, so the Monday idea wasn’t that bad, all things considered.

So I left the single men facility, hopped on an Uber to a hotel, dropped my belongings, then headed to LaGuardia for the kids. Yeah, I know, master planner. But for the TI program, I would have been an excellent hire for the military–strategic mind, plus made contingency plans for the savings $$ chicanery. Never banked on it. 😂🤷‍♀️

I never went back to the single men facility that following Monday because I was too bogged down with the kids and the family facility procedures. I would have had to go there with my kids because I couldn’t leave them by themselves at the family facility. It’s kind of a big deal there–understandably. I had to wait till sometime after July 8 when the Summer Camp for my 13 year old was set to begin. That would give me a 9am-2pm window to go and take care of the saving account stuff.

On Monday 07/15/24, I finally went to the single men facility to inquire about my money. I wasn’t expecting to get the money that day, but I figured it wouldn’t be a complicated process because (1) this was MY money and (2) all the relevant parties were aware of the situation–including the program director.

So I walk in there and quickly get ushered into “Cashier Lady’s” office. She hands me this prefilled single form stating the amount of $$ I was supposed to receive and tells me to print my name and sign it. Apparently that’s ALL I was required to do–print my name and sign off on my money–something we could EASILY have done on 06/17/24 before I left–remember, she was in my case worker’s office during the last meeting.

But check this out, it gets even more interesting. She tells me that they have been trying to call me repeatedly to come sign the form.🙄Folks, I can tell you right now, NOBODY ever called me about this money since 06/17. Matter of fact, it is after this unnecessary lie that all my TI radar systems went off🚨😂 The fact that she resorted to such a blatant lie spoke of some guilty conscience on her part. Remember, I wasn’t coming there to get the money that day. I was there just to get the process going.

Anyway, so I signed the form and gave it back to her. She told me to expect the money “by the end of the week”, so I left. The whole visit took less than 5 minutes-literally in and out.

When I worked there, we would usually get paid every Thursday, so when Thursday came around, I checked my paid card to see whether a deposit had been made and surprise surprise, a nothing burger😂🙄. So I decided to wait for Friday 07/22 to see if I would get lucky but you guessed it, NADA!!

The following Monday I called the “Cashier Lady” to inquire about my missing deposit and she told me it hadn’t been processed, but would send an email to inquire.🙄

The point, folks, is not the amount of money, but rather the jerking around that TIs are subjected to regularly. Never miss that. This is MY money that should have been available to me on 06/19/24, but instead, I had to BEG for it more than a month later–the so-called MKUKTRA “soft blows”. The harassment is made to appear very normal to a casual observer but it’s anything but. It is just one in a long series “soft blows” that are designed to have a CUMULATIVE effect on the target, eventually causing them to snap.🤔

There are other “soft blows” regarding the eligibility process at the family housing facility that I will detail in a later post to support my “cumulative” claim. There are reasons why I’m not very comfortable posting about the housing eligibility process yet, but rest assured, the harassment continues.🤦‍♀️