Targeted Individuals And Higher Education (Colleges & Universities)

Among the problems targeted individials encounter–as if gangstalking, DEW attacks, financial sabotage etc are not enough–is access to higher education. It has been my experience that a lot is done to deny them the financial aid $$ they are otherwise qualified for/entitled to. Keeping TIs dirt poor is a major part of the targeting scheme.

I moved to NYC in late January 2024 from Houston Texas and sometime in March, I made an application to Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn for the Fall semester. I figured that would give me enough time to comply with the admission requirements(don’t start until September).

Sadly, I never got ANY response from the college’s admissions office, which is quite unusual for a college application. Usually they will respond telling you the additional steps you need to take re admission. Here, there has been zero response since I applied, something I intend to get to the bottom of.

I have called the admissions office several times after more than a month elapsed, but they all strangely went to voicemail–also very strange indeed for a college.

On a chance call on Wednesday 06/12/24 at approximately 4:30p, I finally got through and spoke to someone in the admissions office. When I asked why I had never received a response to my application, she said it was because I had not submitted my transcripts from previous schools(not a satisfactory answer). She also said, which I found shocking, that I had not paid the $70 application fee–that I had deferred payment–or something to that effect. That one I found quite shocking because the whole reason why I was inquiring about my application was because I had paid $70 for it. How does an admission office not know that an applicant has paid the application fee? You must admit that’s weird.

So you ask, “This is weird, but why exactly is it a post on ‘gangstalking chronicles’? What does this have to do with gangstalking/targeted individuals(TIs)?” Well, believe it or not, a major part of the targeting program involves keeping the TI dirt poor–destitute. My enrollment at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, which should NOT even require college transcripts, opens up an easy source of funds for me(financial aid). I can guarantee you that’s why these weird occurrences with my application happened–zero response, not knowing if I made a payment etc. Many TIs report similar problems at institutions of higher learning, which is why I intend to demand answers and post the responses here.

Stay tuned as we dig deeper into Kingsborough College application-gate. Is this just another case of an attempt to pretextually deny a TI college admission, so he doesn’t get his hands on financial aid $$? Hmm. We report, you decide.

It cannot also be left unsaid that TIs have long complained about being “handled off the grid”, or having their records processed through alternate channels. Some even go as far as saying they are handled by a shadow government, which is why their complaints are never covered by the mainstream press or investigated by law enforcement. Was my $70 application fee “lost” in the “off grid” system, which is why KCC admissions has no record of it?😂Nothing else makes sense.

And before you dismiss these “off grid” allegations as utterly ludicrous, I would like to point you to the recent high profile case of Robert Card, who many consider a TI. Even after extensive reports of his mental health problems while at the Army, nobody in the mainstream media seems able to get their hands on his actual medical records, when they look at places where such records would ordinarily be available. Why is that? Were they destroyed? If so, by who?😳

Bottom line folks, Kingsborough College application-gate not only raises questions of attempted financial sabotage, but also raises further questions about this alleged “off grid” handling of TIs. I’m very interested to know how someone can fill out a college application online, pay the application fee, only for the admission office not to have a record of the payment. Also why was there zero response for months? Stay tuned, folks. We report, you decide.

***Update on KCC Gate as of 07/17/24***

I have since been in contact with KCC’s HEAD of Admissions, one Erica Levy, regarding this issue. My last communication with her was this July 10 email, where I even attached a bank transaction showing I made the $70 application way back in April 15th, plus confirmation from Lee College that they had sent my transcripts.

I’ve also sent emails to the admissions office address that Erica gave me but zero response. As of 07/17/24, my KCC portal still shows that I haven’t paid $70 nor submitted my college transcripts. Phone calls to the admissions office go unanswered. How weird is that?😳

And then on 07/17/24, a cointelpro-filled day😂, I get this email telling me basically to forget the Fall semester and apply for Spring 2025 instead😳. What is REALLY going on with KCC Admissions, folks? Is it time to run to federal court?😂🤷‍♀️

So here’s an update on KCC gate. I figured(wisely), that rather than run to federal court or any other outside agency about my experience applying at KCC, it would be wise to file some type of complaint with the school itself and seek an answer first. Trust me, I know a thing or two about how federal lawsuits work. They are big on “exhausting administrative remedies”–basically, use all the available complaint mechanisms before running to court. So I looked at the KCC page and found a link to the complaints section. I fashioned it as a discrimination complaint. This👇was the result of that–basically screw you, go beg the admissions office for your application fee🙄

Good thing is, now we are free to seek redress elsewhere. Stay tuned for more updates